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“mm 66 presents: PIANO”
“mm” = “m(usic(ian’s))m(eetings)” & is pronounced mmmmmmmmm. These meetings were started by myself, tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE, in the fall of 2011 to revive a neglected pleasure in my life, the pleasure of hanging out casually with friends & listening to & talking about & playing music. In 2013 a CD was released entitled “MM 26” to showcase (m)usic by some of the more regular attendees of the mms. 2 uncerts (uncertainty concerts) occurred to celebrate & promote this release.
Many of the mms have been quasi-documented with movies. There’s also a website ( http://idioideo.pleintekst.nl/mm.html ) that provides minutes, images, & links. As the organizer/host of these events I try to insure that some variety occurs & that new stimulation is frequent. As of 2016, the mms have become INSTRUMENT-specific & a movie has been made of every one. This will continue to be the case until 15 such INSTRUMENT movies have been made.
Each of the documentaries is then ‘distilled’ into a much shorter version which is intended to be sampled from for a large-scale project of mine that I’ve provisionally titled “Endangered Languages, Endangered Cultures, Endangered Ideas”. All of these movies, in both forms, are being put online - some on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel, some on Vimeo. “mm 66 presents: PIANO” is the 1st one I’ve put on the Internet Archive. This has partially been done because I already have 7 volumes of my “Piano Illiterature” on the Archive & it seems appropriate to present some of the piano music that’s influenced my own.
This particular documentary is an unusually simple one as far as the overall body of mm movies is concerned. The focus is largely on my long-standing friendship with the excellent musician Ben Opie. Our conversations are candid & free-flowing. This is NOT an academic presentation for a class, it’s informal, we’re talking off the tops of our heads & these talks show the marks of spontaneity. That’s ok, in a more formal setting things would be more rigorous but, as it is, our love of &/or basic interest in the music comes through & we solidly back the genius of the recordings presented.
- July 5, 2016 E.V. notes from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE